Friday, February 6, 2009

….and here I sit


While the washing piles up and the windows remain dirty

….here I sit.

While the telephone rings and appointments are missed,

….here I sit

While the daddy man cooks dinner and the midnight flame burns,

….here I sit.

engrossed, with nothing short of an addiction to Bryce Courtney's poetic word. His amazing written word, I travel to Beautiful Bay & Japan and into the lives of his sublime characters with their misfortunes and amazing lives. His books are the only novels I read so approximately once a year for one week, I am lost, beautifully lost in his words, my family with their knowing glances that mumma will eventually finish the book and life will return to normal.  So for a few more days,

….here I sit…..


My Sons Mum said...

are you finished yet?

Sonya Lee said...

Go girl! Looking forward to when my kids are old enough to ignore me for more than 5 minutes.....